Showing all 2 results

  • ABD 400 mg (10 pills)


    ABD is used to treat infections caused by worms. Albendazole works by keeping the worm from absorbing sugar (glucose), so that the worm loses energy and dies. ABD is used to treat certain tapeworm infections (e.g., neurocysticercosis). Use ABD for a condition that is listed in this section only if it has been so prescribed…

  • Mebex 100 mg (6 pills)


    Mebex is used in the treatment of parasitic worm infections. Mebex contains the active ingredient called Mebendazole which belongs to a group of medicines called ‘anthelmintics’. Mebex (Mebendazole) is used for the treatment of gastrointestinal infestations of Threadworm, Pinworm , Whipworm, Large Roundworm, Hookworm and Tapeworm in adults and children over 2 yrs old. The…